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Database Sharding

数据库分片数据库 横向扩容(horizontal scaling,也叫 scale-out)技术。单体 数据库 会因为硬件原因达到性能瓶颈,就需要扩容来解决,纵向库容(vertical scaling,也叫 scale-up)就是增加节点配置以应对更高要求,与之相对的就是横向扩容。

数据库分片 就是将数据切分存储到不同节点上。将数据 按某些规则分散到不同实例上,每个实例上的数据被称为分区(partition)。每个分区拥有相同的 架构,但完全不同的



What is database sharding?

Sharding is a method for distributing a single dataset across multiple databases, which can then be stored on multiple machines. This allows for larger datasets to be split into smaller chunks and stored in multiple data nodes, increasing the total storage capacity of the system.

Similarly, by distributing the data across multiple machines, a sharded database can handle more requests than a single machine can.

Sharding is a form of scaling known as horizontal scaling or scale-out, as additional nodes are brought on to share the load. Horizontal scaling allows for near-limitless scalability to handle big data and intense workloads. In contrast, vertical scaling refers to increasing the power of a single machine or single server through a more powerful CPU, increased RAM, or increased storage capacity.[1]

What is sharding?

Sharding is a database architecture pattern related to horizontal partitioning — the practice of separating one table’s rows into multiple different tables, known as partitions. Each partition has the same schema and columns, but also entirely different rows. Likewise, the data held in each is unique and independent of the data held in other partitions.

It can be helpful to think of horizontal partitioning in terms of how it relates to vertical partitioning. In a vertically-partitioned table, entire columns are separated out and put into new, distinct tables. The data held within one vertical partition is independent from the data in all the others, and each holds both distinct rows and columns.[2]

Advantages of sharding

Sharding allows you to scale your database to handle increased load to a nearly unlimited degree by providing increased read/write throughput, storage capacity, and high availability. Let’s look at each of those in a little more detail.[1:1]

  • Increased read/write throughput — By distributing the dataset across multiple shards, both read and write operation capacity is increased as long as read and write operations are confined to a single shard.
  • Increased storage capacity — Similarly, by increasing the number of shards, you can also increase overall total storage capacity, allowing near-infinite scalability.
  • High availability — Finally, shards provide high availability in two ways. First, since each shard is a replica set, every piece of data is replicated. Second, even if an entire shard becomes unavailable since the data is distributed, the database as a whole still remains partially functional, with part of the schema on different shards.
Disadvantages of sharding

Sharding does come with several drawbacks, namely overhead in query result compilation, complexity of administration, and increased infrastructure costs.[1:2]

  • Query overhead — Each sharded database must have a separate machine or service which understands how to route a querying operation to the appropriate shard. This introduces additional latency on every operation. Furthermore, if the data required for the query is horizontally partitioned across multiple shards, the router must then query each shard and merge the result together. This can make an otherwise simple operation quite expensive and slow down response times.
  • Complexity of administration — With a single unsharded database, only the database server itself requires upkeep and maintenance. With every sharded database, on top of managing the shards themselves, there are additional service nodes to maintain. Plus, in cases where replication is being used, any data updates must be mirrored across each replicated node. Overall, a sharded database is a more complex system which requires more administration.
  • Increased infrastructure costs — Sharding by its nature requires additional machines and compute power over a single database server. While this allows your database to grow beyond the limits of a single machine, each additional shard comes with higher costs. The cost of a distributed database system, especially if it is missing the proper optimization, can be significant.

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