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Digital Audio

数字音频(digital audio) 是利用数字信号存储声波的一种方式,通过对模拟信号声波的振幅以特定 采样率位深 记录为数字信号,从而记录音频。

What is digital audio?

Digital audio is a representation of sound recorded or converted into a digital signal. During the analog to digital conversion process, amplitudes of an analog sound wave are captured at a specified sample rate and bit depth and converted into data a computer software can read.

The main difference between sound and digital audio is that digital audio is a series of amplitude values used to reconstruct the original analog sound wave whereas as analog sound is a continuous signal with infinite amplitude values at any one point in time. Digital audio is like playing connect-the-dots, whereas real sound is the full original image.[1]




模拟介质的缺点显而易见,体积大、难以随身携带、传播过程中抗干扰性差(模拟电视的雪花点, 广播的杂音等)。于是在上世纪 80 年代,索尼和飞利浦联合开发了 CD。CD 是一种全新的存储方式。它的原理是对连续的波形进行取样,也就是用波形上离散的点来代替连续的波(联想一下一张照片被放大很多倍后看到的一个个小颗粒,像素)。[2]

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