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Space Amplification

空间放大 是指实际存储介质上存储的数据量大于数据库中逻辑数据量。


通常数据结构只能在 写放大读放大空间放大 优化两者。比如 B 树比 LSM 树 有更少的 读放大,但 LSM 树 比 B 树有更少的 写放大


Space amplification is the ratio of the amount of data on the storage device versus the amount of data in the database.[1]

SLSM - A Scalable Log Structured Merge Tree with Bloom Filters for Low Latency Analytics

The space required by a data structure can be inflated by fragmentation or requirements for temporary copies of the data.[2]

  1. ↩︎

  2. P.A. Riyaz and Surekha Mariam Varghese, “SLSM - A Scalable Log Structured Merge Tree with Bloom Filters for Low Latency Analytics,” Procedia Technology 24 (2016): 1491–98, ↩︎