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Title Description Date
本地开发环境配置自签证书 在本地开发环境配置自签 SSL/TLS 证书 2024-05-28
在 web 服务中获取客户端 IP 服务器有时需要获取客户端 IP 来做进一步分析处理,可是在反代服务器后甚至在集群内的服务器该如何获取客户端 IP 呢? 2024-05-15
rust 标准库 std::mem 的一个细节 rust 操作内存的标准库函数的一个注意事项 2024-04-28
ClickHouse JSON 格式输出大类型数字变成字符串 开发过程发现大整型数字被 ClickHouse 序列化为字符串,本文解释了原因和解决方案 2024-04-28
Copy and Clone triat in Rust 一文搞懂 Copy 和 Clone trait 的区别 2024-04-28
ClickHouse 连接多 Kerberos-aware Kafka 集群 使用 ClickHouse 连接多个 kerberos 加密的 Kafka 集群时,该如何正确配置 ClickHouse 2024-04-28
trait 对象的静态分发与动态分发 代码涉及到多态时总需要有一个机制决定运行的到底是什么,这就叫“分发”。在 rust 中,有静态分发和动态分发两种,本文介绍两者区别。 2024-05-08
steam 直接启动 r2modman 某个 profile 的游戏 为了在 steamdeck 上启动 r2modman 加载的游戏,摸索出的一套方案 2024-04-28
ClickHouse 实战:卡顿堆栈的实时方法聚类 本文展示了使用 ClickHouse 实现调用树功能的算法迭代,从最开始的行切到拆分后落盘,到最后的整体落盘+统计tag。调用树作为 APM 领域重要能力,在 ClickHouse 上高查询性能、低存储成本实现极大丰富了 QAPM 业务能力。 2024-04-26
ClickHouse MergeTree 实现只有一次语义的插入 调研 ClickHouse 如何实现一次语义的插入 2023-07-11
深入浅出 ClickHouse 物化视图 其实就是 AFTER INSERT TRIGGER~ 2023-04-10
ClickHouse 查询优化 ClickHouse 查询优化方案汇总 2023-04-10

✍️ 最近修改

File Type Date
log-structured merge-tree Literature 2024-09-18
write amplification Literature 2024-09-10
clickhouse table TTL Permanent 2024-07-25
type of programming language Literature 2024-06-28
data transfer object Literature 2024-06-18
storage manager Inbox 2024-06-17
data files of database Literature 2024-06-13
index files of database Literature 2024-06-13
clickhouse query optimization of monotonous predicate on primary key Permanent 2024-06-13
open systems interconnection model Inbox 2024-06-04

🏷️ 根标签

Tag Count
#Application 1
#CS 97
#IT 55
#Mathematics 14
#Methodology 3
#Music 7
#Photography 5
#Programming 9
#Sport 2

🏷️ 子标签

Tag Count Files
#Application 1 alacritty
#CS/Algorithm 1 binary search
#CS/BigData 14 big data, business intelligence, data analytics, data lake, data warehouse, etl, hopping window, log-structured merge-tree, session window, sliding window, streaming data, tumbling window, window function, spark access filesystem
#CS/Compilers 10 context-free grammar, context-sensitive grammar, derivation, formal semantics, formal language, left-to-right and leftmost derivation parsing, operator-precedence parser, recursive descent parsing, syntactic analysis, top-down parsing
#CS/Computer 3 data striping, floating point, redundant array of independent disks
#CS/ComputerNetwork 1 load balancing
#CS/Database 61 attribute domain, candidate key, buffer manager of transactional storage manager, common table expression, column-oriented data layout, concurrency control, data control language, data definition language, data files of database, data manipulation language, data model, data query language, database duplication, database instance, database column, database nomalization, database page, database management system, database schema, database sharding, database table, database transaction, database, database query performance optimization, database row, differences between olap and oltp, entity-attribute-value model, entity-relationship model, foreign key, hierarchical database model, hopping window, hybrid transaction and analytical processing, impedance mismatch, index files of database, multiversion concurrency control, log-structured merge-tree, object-based data model, online analytical processing, online transactional processing, pessimistic concurrency control, optimistic concurrency control, polyglot persistence, primary key, query language, query optimization, relational calculus, relational algebra, relational database management system, relational model, row-oriented data layout, schema-on-read, schema-on-write, semi-structured data model, session window, sliding window, sql trigger, structured query language, superkey, transaction control language, tumbling window, window function
#CS/DataStructure 4 bloom filter, bloom filter variant, log-structured merge-tree, scalable bloom filter
#CS/FormalLanguageTheory 11 context-free grammar, context-sensitive grammar, chomsky hierarchy, derivation, formal grammar, formal semantics, formal language, left-to-right and leftmost derivation parsing, recursive descent parsing, syntactic analysis, top-down parsing
#CS/OperatingSystem 1 translation lookaside buffer
#CS/Parsing 15 context-free grammar, context-sensitive grammar, derivation, formal semantics, formal language, infix notation, left-to-right and leftmost derivation parsing, nonterminal symbol, operator-precedence parser, precedence climbing, postfix notation, recursive descent parsing, syntactic analysis, terminal symbol, top-down parsing
#CS/Programming 2 resource acquisition is initialization, type of programming language
#IT/BigData 1 user behavior analytics
#IT/ClickHouse 15 clickhouse pipeline graph, database query performance optimization, join types in clickhouse, join algorithm in clickhouse, clickhouse client capturing server logs of queries, clickhouse comparing cost between queries, clickhouse kafka engine, clickhouse find the most expensive queries, clickhouse materialized view, clickhouse table TTL, clickhouse mergetree structure, clickhouse performance evaluation, clickhouse query optimization of monotonous predicate on primary key, clickhouse tuple, comparison of clickhouse insertion methods
#IT/Cloud 1 cloud access management
#IT/DomainDrivenDesign 1 data transfer object
#IT/FileSystem 1 btrfs
#IT/GraphicDesign 2 chinese generic font family, generic font family
#IT/Kubernetes 2 container oom flow, exit code
#IT/Linux 4 btrfs, set gid, set uid, sticky bit
#IT/OpenTelemetry 3 opentelemetry metrics, observability, opentelemetry
#IT/PostgreSQL 1 postgresql materialized view
#IT/SoftwareEngineering 15 compute-intensive, container oom flow, data transfer object, data-intensive, impedance mismatch, polyglot persistence, resilient, system load, system fault, system failure, system maintainability, system performance, system scalability, system reliability, c4 model
#IT/System 25 application performance monitoring, compute-intensive, concurrency control, container oom flow, data-intensive, exit code, fully qualified domain name, multiversion concurrency control, pessimistic concurrency control, optimistic concurrency control, polyglot persistence, read amplification, resilient, service-level agreement, service-level indicator, service-level object, space amplification, system load, system fault, system failure, system maintainability, system performance, system scalability, system reliability, write amplification
#Mathematics/Probability 1 standard deviation
#Mathematics/Statistics 13 arithmetic mean, geometric mean, false positive, false negative, harmonic mean, mean, median, mode, quadratic mean, true negative, true positive, variance, weighted arithmetic mean
#Methodology/Asking 1 x-y problem
#Methodology/Notes 2 digital garden, zettelkasten
#Music 4 digital audio sample rate, digital audio, digital audo bit depth, digital audio bit rate
#Music/MusicTheory 3 pitch name, pitch, syllable name
#Photography 5 aperture, exposure, exposure triangle, focal-stop number, iso
#Programming/CPlusPlus 3 cpp constant, cpp include order, cpp variable initialization
#Programming/Rust 6 rust associated types, rust fully qualified syntax, rust never type, rust generic type variable bound, rust orphan rules, rust library recommendation
#Sport/Skateboarding 2 ollie, powerslide

📥 待处理

Inbox 内容:

File Date
write-ahead log 2023-03-07
depth of field 2023-05-06
hyperfocal distance 2023-05-06
shutter 2023-05-06
sharpness 2023-05-06
serializability 2023-08-09
validation protocol 2023-08-09
two-phase locking 2023-08-09
bottom-up parsing 2023-08-16
storage manager 2024-04-10
open systems interconnection model 2024-06-04


File Date

📊 汇总

Type Count
Inbox 11
Literature 153
Permanent 34
Post 12

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